A Saturday donut adventure.
1:07 PM
Happy saturday!
Today was supposed to be a beach day.
But seeing as we didn't go to bed until 6 am, we kind of slept through prime beach hours. Plus the train ride would take so much time and no work would get done today.
But seeing as we didn't go to bed until 6 am, we kind of slept through prime beach hours. Plus the train ride would take so much time and no work would get done today.
Instead we went on in a donut hunt in our neighborhood.
We finally found some at 181 and Amsterdam at Bizcocho Dominicano, which doesn't sound like a prime donut spot but the sugar donut was so fluffy and incredible ( the chocolate sprinkle one was cute but not so great )
After chris and I took a well deserved walk around the neighborhood and for the first day in months I got so sweaty.
It was magic.
P.s. i found out last night that I got hired for paid summer internship at a super exciting non profit and I am super excited!!!
But I'll post more on this at a later time.
But I'll post more on this at a later time.
Now it's time for beer and saturday cartoons.